9012333778 & 9837723778

Age Level

18 months to 30 months of Age group for Playgroup.

30 months to 36 months of Age group for Pre-nursery level.

42 months to 4 years of Age group for Nursery.

Minimum 5 years of Age for Kinder garden (K.G).

Minimum 6 years of Age group for 1st Standard.

Minimum 7 years of Age group for 2nd Standard.

Minimum 8 years of Age group for 3rd Standard.

Minimum 9 years of Age group for 4th Standard.

Minimum 10 years of Age group for 5th Standard.

Minimum 11 years of Age group for 6th Standard.

Minimum 12 years of Age group for 7th Standard.

Minimum 13 years of Age group for 8th Standard.

Application Procedure/ Process

The best way to get a feel for Pathfinder Boarding School is to visit the campus. Appointments are scheduled while classes are in session to afford families the opportunity to see the school in action and to interact with our community. Tell us if you have a particular area of interest that you would like to explore while on campus, and we will schedule a meeting with a faculty member. Visits last approximately one hour and include a student-led tour and an interaction with our admission officer. An interaction is a required part of the application process. However, if coming to campus is not possible we will conduct interaction on Zoom/Skype/Video Call or phone.

For Download Admission form click here